Girl smiling

What is the reason for the change?

The pension partnership between IWeb Share Dealing and AJ Bell is coming to an end.

This means we need you to tell us who you’d like to provide your Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP), by 11 April 2025.

Why stay with IWeb?

How you use your account for trading will remain the same, alongside any other portfolios you have with us. Here are some other reasons to stay:

Fee-free until 2028

Fee-free until 2028

We won’t charge you the administration fee, from the date you transfer to us until November 2028.

Immediate tax relief

Immediate tax relief

For every contribution you make, you don’t have to wait for weeks for your tax relief (at basic rate), we instantly pay it into your SIPP.

Excellent rated serivce

Excellent rated serivce

Staying with IWeb gives you access to the same great service, online investment tools and analysis.

Expert support

Expert support

The IWeb SIPP is brought to you in partnership with Scottish Widows, the pensions and retirement experts, with over 200 years of experience.


Boring money award for best low-cost ISA over £50k 2024.
Boring money consumer rated value for money 2024.

Pensions are a long-term investment. The benefits you receive depend on a number of factors, including the value of your pension pot when you choose to claim any benefits. That value isn't guaranteed and can go down as well as up. It could fall below the amount paid in. Any tax treatment depends on your personal circumstances and may change in the future.

What are my options?

We know how important your pension is, so want to make sure you understand the three options you have. Whichever option you choose, we won’t charge you any fees for transferring your SIPP.

1. Continue with IWeb

Continue your investment service with IWeb Share Dealing, now working in partnership with Scottish Widows and new pension partner Embark Investment Services Limited.

2. Transfer to AJ Bell

Continue to hold your SIPP trustee and administration service with AJ Bell.  Your SIPP investments and any cash you hold in your SIPP will move to AJ Bell.

3. Choose an entirely new Provider

Transfer your SIPP to an entirely new provider of your choice.

Staying with IWeb couldn’t be easier

Staying with IWeb couldn’t be easier

Simply complete our online form by 11 April 2025.

Your SIPP options form

Examples of what you can expect to pay with IWeb

90k account value graphic

Account value of £90,000

Of which:

£12,000 is cash

£23,000 in Funds, £55,000 in shares

15 UK/Fund trades placed in the year

3 International Trades placed (£4,000 each)


You can expect:

annual SIPP Admin Charge of £195 (not payable until November 2028)

dealing charges: £255

total costs: £450


You will receive:

annual interest payment: £426

170k account value graphic

Account value of £170,000…

Of which:

£25,000 is cash

£55,000 in Funds, £90,000 in shares

15 UK/Fund trades placed in the year

5 International Trades placed (£4,000 each)


You can expect:

Annual SIPP Admin Charge of £198 (capped, not payable until November 2028)

dealing charges: £375

total costs: £573


You will receive:

Annual interest payment: £887.50

510k account value graphic

Account value of £510,000

Of which:

£40,000 is cash

£170,000 in Funds, £300,000 in shares

18 UK/Fund trades placed in the year

2 International Trades placed (£4,000 each)


You can expect:

Annual SIPP Admin Charge of £198 (capped, not payable until November 2028)

Dealing charges: £210

Total costs: £408


You will receive:

Annual interest payment: £1,420

  • SIPP calculations table

    SIPP charges

    Amount used to calculate

    SIPP charges

    Annual SIPP administration charge based on the value of investments 

    Amount used to calculate

    0.25% capped at £198

    SIPP charges

    Dealing Charges: UK trades (shares/funds) online

    Amount used to calculate

    £5 for each trade

    SIPP charges

    Dealing Charges: International trades

    Amount used to calculate


    SIPP charges

    Dealing Charges: Foreign currency charge

    Amount used to calculate


    SIPP charges

    Interest rate paid on uninvested cash

    Amount used to calculate

    3.55% variable

    SIPP charges

    Charge for uninvested cash

    Amount used to calculate


    SIPP whatis and isn't ncluded table

    What is included

    What is not included

    What is included

    Annual SIPP administration charge: capped at £198 (£16.50 a month).  This is paid monthly calculated on the value of investments held in the SIPP. 

    This is not payable until November 2028.

    What is not included

    Stamp Duty: when you buy a UK stock, you’ll pay a form of tax called Stamp Duty to the Government. Stamp duty is 0.5% of the value of the investments you buy (1% on Irish stocks) and you won’t pay any Stamp Duty on AIM stocks or Exchange Traded Funds.

    What is included

    Dealing charges:  charges for each trade placed. IWeb charges £5 for UK and Fund online trades and no commission for International trades.

    What is not included

    Fund manager charges: Fund Managers will charge various fees, such as an ongoing charge or transaction fees. Details of these can be found within the Key Investor Information Document for each fund.

    What is included

    Foreign exchange charges: when you buy or sell an international stock, the share price is converted into GBP. Most providers adjust the exchange rate by a percentage and keep that as a fee. IWeb charges 1.5% either side of the available exchange rate.

    What is not included

    Panel on Takeovers and Mergers (PTM) Levy: any trade over £10,000 will also be liable for a levy of £1.50, which is paid to the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers (PTM).

    What is included

    Interest rate: variable rate on uninvested cash balances of £1 or more.  You should consider how much cash you need to hold in your SIPP. This should be at least enough to cover account charges and any income requirements.

    What is not included

    SIPP whatis and isn't ncluded table

    What is included

    What is included

    Annual SIPP administration charge: capped at £198 (£16.50 a month).  This is paid monthly calculated on the value of investments held in the SIPP.
    This is not payable until November 2028.

    Dealing charges:  charges for each trade placed. IWeb charges £5 for UK and Fund online trades and no commission for International trades.

    Foreign exchange charges: when you buy or sell an international stock, the share price is converted into GBP. Most providers adjust the exchange rate by a percentage and keep that as a fee. IWeb charges 1.5% either side of the available exchange rate.

    Interest rate: variable rate on uninvested cash balances of £1 or more.  You should consider how much cash you need to hold in your SIPP. This should be at least enough to cover account charges and any income requirements.

    SIPP whatis and isn't ncluded table

    What is not included

    What is not included

    Stamp Duty: when you buy a UK stock, you’ll pay a form of tax called Stamp Duty to the Government. Stamp duty is 0.5% of the value of the investments you buy (1% on Irish stocks) and you won’t pay any Stamp Duty on AIM stocks or Exchange Traded Funds.

    Fund manager charges: Fund Managers will charge various fees, such as an ongoing charge or transaction fees. Details of these can be found within the Key Investor Information Document for each fund.

    Panel on Takeovers and Mergers (PTM) Levy: any trade over £10,000 will also be liable for a levy of £1.50, which is paid to the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers (PTM).

Compare us...

To help, we’ve included a comparison between the current SIPP, IWeb SIPP and the AJ Bell SIPP, below.

You can also choose to move to a different provider.

  • Comparison table

    Managing your SIPP 

    Your SIPP now

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    New AJ Bell SIPP

    Managing your SIPP 

    Adding or changing your contributions
    (In the app/Online/By post)

    Your SIPP now

    In the app: No
    Online: Yes
    By post:Yes

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    In the app: Coming soon
    By post:Yes

    New AJ Bell SIPP

    In the app: Yes
    Online: Yes
    By post:Yes

    Managing your SIPP 

    Buying and selling your investments

    (In the app/Online/By post)

    Your SIPP now

    In the app: No
    Online: Yes
    By post:Yes

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    In the app: Coming soon
    By post:Yes

    New AJ Bell SIPP

    In the app: Yes
    Online: Yes
    By post:Yes

    Managing your SIPP 

    Employer contributions

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Managing your SIPP 

    Junior SIPP

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Managing your SIPP 

    Basic rate tax relief

    Your SIPP now

    Applied within 6 weeks

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    Instantly applied

    New AJ Bell SIPP

    Applied when received

    * Employer contributions only from a limited company, you must be the limited company business owner or one of the directors. We won’t accept contributions from a third party (such as your spouse, parent or grandparent) or from any other employer.

  • Comparison table


    Your SIPP now

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Account charges

    Your SIPP now

    Up to £50,000: £22.50 a quarter


    Over £50,000: £45 a quarter

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    All SIPP investments (excluding cash):

    £0 - £79,200: 0.25%

    Over £79,200: 0%

    The maximum account charge is £16.50 a month (£198 a year), whatever the size of your SIPP

    This won’t be charged from the date you’re transferred until November 2028

    New AJ Bell SIPP

    Shares: 0.25%
    max £10 a month

    first £250,000 - 0.25%
    next £250,000 - 0.10%
    value over £500,000 - 0%

    These won’t be charged from the date you’re transferred until July 2028


    Transferring in from another provider

    Your SIPP now

    £60 for each transferred plan (maximum £300)

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP



    Transferring out to another provider

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP



    Purchasing an annuity

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Charges correct as of January 2025.

  • Comparison table

    Investment Options

    Your SIPP now

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    New AJ Bell SIPP

    Investment Options


    Your SIPP now

    UK and 6 International markets

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    UK and 6 International markets

    New AJ Bell SIPP

    UK and 24 International markets

    Investment Options


    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Investment Options


    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Investment Options

    Investment trusts

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Investment Options


    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Investment Options


    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


  • Comparison table


    Your SIPP now

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Buying and selling shares, ETFS, investment trusts and Bonds/Gilts online

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP

    £5 or £3.50 if over 10 deals in the previous calendar month


    International trading

    Foreign Exchange Charge applies*

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP



    Buying and selling funds online

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP



    Telephone dealing

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP



    Regular investments

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP



    Dividend reinvestment

    Your SIPP now

    2% of dividend (max £5.00)

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    2% of dividend (max £5.00)

    New AJ Bell SIPP



    *Foreign Exchange (FX) charges

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP

    First £10,000 – 0.75%
    Next £10,000 – 0.5%
    Value over £20,000 – 0.25%

  • Comparison table

    Retirement options

    Your SIPP now

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb

    New AJ Bell SIPP

    Retirement options

    Keep invested

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Retirement options

    Flexi-access drawdown

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Retirement options

    Flexi-access drawdown charge

    Your SIPP now

    £180 a year

    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Retirement options

    One off payment (UFPLS) lump sum

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Retirement options

    One off payment (UFPLS) lump sum charge

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


    Retirement options

    Investment pathways

    Your SIPP now


    New Scottish Widows SIPP with IWeb


    New AJ Bell SIPP


Before you choose

There are differences between the options.
Please check you’ve read and understood these documents, to ensure the option you choose is right for you:

terms and conditions (PDF, 308KB)
key features (PDF, 204KB)
our charges (PDF, 92KB)
order execution policy (PDF, 88KB)
conflicts of interest policy (PDF, 92KB)
data privacy notice (PDF, 353KB)

SIPP options form

Give us your instructions on who you’d like to provide your Self-Invested Personal Pension.

Your SIPP options form

Frequently asked questions

  • You have three options, whoever you choose, there are no transfer out fees charged by us.

    1. Choose IWeb Share Dealing for your SIPP – continue your investment service with IWeb and move your SIPP admin to Embark.
    2. Choose AJ Bell for your SIPP.
    3. Transfer your SIPP away to different provider of your choice.

    If you do not make a choice, your SIPP will move to AJ Bell (option 2). This includes all of your investments held in your SIPP. The AJ Bell terms and conditions will apply to your new SIPP. If you transfer to AJ Bell, and then decide their SIPP is not suitable, you’ll be able to transfer to another provider free of charge.


  • 11 April 2025


  • Please contact us to see if we can help on 03450 707 129.

    If you do not make a choice, your SIPP will move to AJ Bell (option 2), and this may not be your preference. This includes all of your investments held in your SIPP. The AJ Bell terms and conditions will apply to your new SIPP. If you are transferred to AJ Bell, and then decide their SIPP is not suitable, you’ll be able to transfer to another provider free of charge.


  • Please see the table for key differences between the two SIPPs. You can find more information in the Key features and T&Cs or see the AJ Bell website.


  • Yes, you can contribute and trade as normal until just before your SIPP is moved.

    Please see key dates.


  • You can complete the online form.

    Or, log into your account and follow the online prompt.

    Or, return the SIPP Options form in your letter in the pre-paid envelope provided.

    Or, if you prefer you can call us on 03450 707 129.


  • Yes. You can change your mind up to 11 April 2025. You need to call us to do this using the telephone number provided in the initial letter - 03450 707 129. We will act on your latest consent date.


  • If you have chosen to stay with IWeb and have a Scottish Widows SIPP, we will contact you to confirm your account will be set up and to ask you for a new Direct Debit mandate or any other information we need.

    If you have chosen the AJ Bell SIPP they will contact you with your new account details and any other information.


  • Last regular contribution: 1 September 2025

    Last one-off contribution: Friday 12 September 2025

    Last regular income payment: 15 September 2025

    Last lump sum withdrawal request: 8 September 2025

    Last trade: 4.30 Friday 19 September 2025

    New SIPP will be open: Monday 22 September 2025


  • Last div reinvestment: 5 June 2025

    Last regular investment: 5 June 2025

    Last one-off contribution: Friday 13 June 2025

    Last regular contribution: Friday 13 June 2025

    Last lump sum withdrawal request: 9 June 2025

    Last regular income payment: 16 June 2025

    Last trade 4.30 Friday 20 June 2025

    New SIPP will be open: Monday 23 June 2025


  • How interest works within a SIPP

    In a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) if you have a cash balance of £1 or more, we’ll pay you interest. We currently pay interest at a gross rate of 3.55%. Please bear in mind that this rate may change in the future.

    How we handle the money

    All the cash we hold is kept in a central account, this is called a client money account. Here is how it works:

    • we earn interest on this account from our banking partners
    • we keep a portion of this interest (we expect this to be between 0.80% to 1.30%) This is called retained interest and any interest retained is used it to improve our products and services
    • the rest of the interest is paid to you at the current rate shown in the table below.

    Calculating and Paying Interest.

    We work out the amount of interest daily, and we pay it to you, yearly in March.

    Interest rates are variable, which means the amount can change depending on different internal and external factors in the future.

    Additional Information:

    • We hold uninvested cash in a central client money account, in compliance with Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) rules
    • Your money is protected under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
    • The retained interest is the difference between the total amount we receive from our banking partners and the amount we pay to customers
    • Please note that all interest rates can vary.
  • Our dedicated contact team will ring you to help with any additional support you might need, or you can call us on 03450 707 129.


  • Can I transfer now?

    We will move your SIPP over in September for you if you choose this option, it is not available to you until then.

    What happens next?

    If you choose to stay with IWeb and have a Scottish Widows SIPP: we will contact you at the end of April. We will send you a discharge form to authorise the transfer of your SIPP administration.  You’ll need to fill it in and send it back to us. If it’s not returned, your investments and cash will move to AJ Bell.

    We’ll also ask you for a new Direct Debit mandate or any other information we need.

    We will let you know when your new SIPP account is open in September.

    If you chose the AJ Bell SIPP, they will contact you with your new account details and any other information.

    Will my account number change?

    If you choose to stay with IWeb and have a Scottish Widows SIPP there will be no change to your account number.

    If you choose the AJ Bell SIPP, you will trade through a new account with them.

    Will I need to set up a new Direct Debit?

    Yes - if you choose to stay with IWeb and have a Scottish Widows SIPP, we will send this out to you at the end of April.

    Will I need to set up a new Drawdown instruction?

    Yes – if you choose to stay with IWeb and have a Scottish Widows SIPP, we will send this out to you at the end of April.

    Can I get advice?

    We operate an execution only (or ‘non-advised’) service, so we can’t give you advice on tax or financial services matters. For independent and impartial advice that is personalised to your own circumstances, you can speak to a financial adviser. They’ll normally charge you for any advice they give. If you don’t have a financial adviser, you can visit or to find a list of advisers near you. 


FSCS logo

Investments with Halifax Share Dealing Limited are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. This limit is applied to the aggregated total of any stock or cash held across the following brands that we administer.

This is in addition to any other savings deposits you may hold across Lloyds Banking Group.

The IWeb Share Dealing Service is operated by Halifax Share Dealing Limited. Registered in England and Wales no. 3195646. Registered Office: Trinity Road, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX1 2RG. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under registration number 183332. A Member of the London Stock Exchange and an HM Revenue & Customs Approved ISA Manager.