SIPP options form

Give us your instructions on who you’d like to provide your Self-Invested Personal Pension.

This should match your passport
Please enter your postcode
This is a 9-digit number and starts with '000'. You can find this in the top-right of your letter.
Please enter phone number
Please make your choice below by ticking 1, 2, or 3

1. Choose IWeb Share Dealing:


The administration of your SIPP will transfer to our new pension partner, Embark Investment Services Limited, who are part of the same Group as us. Embark Trustees Limited will be the SIPP trustee. The transfer will happen by 21 Sept 2025. From 22 Sept 2025, your new SIPP will be in place. No change to your investment service.


New SIPP terms and conditions will apply. By ticking this option, we’ll take it to mean you’ve accepted these. IWeb is working in partnership with Scottish Widows to bring you this new SIPP.


Next steps – IWeb Share Dealing will send you a discharge form at the end of April to authorise the transfer of your SIPP administration from AJ Bell to Embark. You’ll need to fill it in and send it back to us. If it’s not returned, your investments and cash will move to AJ Bell.

2. Choose A J Bell:


Your investments and cash will be transferred to AJ Bell by 23 June 2025. No change to the SIPP trustee and administration service.


You’ll be able to buy or sell investments from IWeb Share Dealing up to 4.30pm on 20 June 2025.


From Monday 23 June, you’ll be using AJ Bell to buy or sell your investments. AJ Bell will contact you with your login details.


AJ Bell terms and conditions will apply to your SIPP.


Next steps - AJ Bell will be in touch after 11 April 2025.

3. Choose a new provider:


Next steps - You’ll need to open a new SIPP or pension account and submit the new providers transfer instruction by 11 April 2025.


AJ Bell will then send a discharge form for you to complete. You’ll need to fill it in and send it to your new provider. If it’s not returned your investments and cash will move to AJ Bell instead of to your new provider.

Submit your instruction