Compare our charges

Competitor charges

We are always reviewing our competitors charges in order to keep our own as cheap as possible. This page shows how we compare to our biggest competitors.

Investments are designed to be held for the medium to long term, with a minimum of five years recommended. The graph and tables below show how an average IWeb ISA customer could save between £451.25 and 951.25 in fees compared to the biggest stockbrokers in the market over five years.

What an average IWeb ISA customer would pay

Over five years you could save up to £951.25 in platform charges.

Bar graph showing savings in charges over the next five years with IWeb against other competitors.

Data has been taken from competitor websites and is correct as at 05/06/2024. These could potentially change in the future.

What is the average IWeb customer?

We looked at our customer data in order to get a picture of what our average customer looks like. As of 05/06/2024 we found the following statements to be true of our average customer. Figures have been rounded to nearest significant number.

  • Holds £37,000 in shares
  • Holds £28,000 in funds
  • Places 4 UK trades per year
  • Places 1 Fund trade per year
  • Places 1 International trade per year at a value of £3,100

Our Calculations

We have used our data about how the average IWeb ISA customer uses their account to show you how much they would pay in fees over 5 years.

Our calculations.

Average amount for an IWeb customer


Total cost

Average amount for an IWeb customer

4 UK trades


£5 per trade

Total cost


Average amount for an IWeb customer

1 Fund trade


£5 per trade

Total cost


Average amount for an IWeb customer

1 International trade of £3,100 value


1.5% FX charge

Total cost



Why are we showing this information?

Because stockbrokers charge fees in various ways, it can be difficult to understand your cheapest option. Below is a simple graphic to demonstrate what the average IWeb customer could pay over the next five years compared to five of our competitors.

Why five years?

Investments are designed to be held for the medium to long term with five years as the minimum period of time it is advised that investments are kept for.

Why have we picked these competitors?

The five other brokers in the chart represent the five largest stockbrokers in the market, they also offer a service which is similar to the one IWeb offers (e.g. they don't charge a subscription fee for access to their full range of assets).

What if I don’t want to trade like an ‘average IWeb customer’?

Not everyone is the same and you are able to use your IWeb account in whatever way best suits you. You can use our full list of charges to work out what you would pay.


Please remember that the value of an investment and the income from it can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invested. We don't provide advice so if you are in any doubt about making your own investment decisions we recommend you seek advice from a suitably qualified financial adviser. There will normally be a charge for that advice. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may change in the future.

What would you pay with our competitors?

The table below shows the breakdown of charges an average IWeb ISA customer would pay with five of our competitors:

Customer activity

Hargreaves Lansdown


AJ Bell Youinvest

Barclays Smart Investor

Interactive Investor


Customer activity

£37,000 held in shares

Hargreaves Lansdown




AJ Bell Youinvest


Barclays Smart Investor


Interactive Investor

No charge


No charge

Customer activity

£28,000 held in funds

Hargreaves Lansdown




AJ Bell Youinvest


Barclays Smart Investor


Interactive Investor

No charge


No charge

Customer activity

4 UK trades

Hargreaves Lansdown




AJ Bell Youinvest


Barclays Smart Investor


Interactive Investor

No charge



Customer activity

1 Fund trade

Hargreaves Lansdown

No charge


No charge

AJ Bell Youinvest


Barclays Smart Investor

No charge

Interactive Investor

No charge



Customer activity

1 International trade of £3,100 value

Hargreaves Lansdown




AJ Bell Youinvest


Barclays Smart Investor


Interactive Investor




Customer activity

Administration charge

Hargreaves Lansdown

No charge


No charge

AJ Bell Youinvest

No charge

Barclays Smart Investor

No charge

Interactive Investor



No charge

Customer activity

Year 1 cost

Hargreaves Lansdown




AJ Bell Youinvest


Barclays Smart Investor


Interactive Investor




Customer activity

5-year cost

Hargreaves Lansdown




AJ Bell Youinvest


Barclays Smart Investor


Interactive Investor




Customer activity

5-year cost difference

Hargreaves Lansdown




AJ Bell Youinvest


Barclays Smart Investor


Interactive Investor



Data has been taken from competitor websites and is correct as at 05/06/2024. These could potentially change in the future.

What charges are included?

Trading commission

Charges for each trade placed. IWeb charges £5 for UK and Fund trades and no commission for International trades.

Foreign exchange charges

When you buy or sell an international stock, the share price is converted into GBP. Most providers adjust the exchange rate by a percentage and keep that as a fee. IWeb charges 1.5% either side of the available exchange rate.

Percentage-based administration charges 

Charges incurred based upon a percentage a what a customer holds in their account (e.g. cash or assets such as shares or funds). IWeb does not charge for this.

Ongoing account charges

Account administration charges usually paid monthly or annually to your provider. IWeb does not have any ongoing account charges.

What charges are excluded?

Stamp Duty

When you buy a UK stock, you’ll pay a form of tax called Stamp Duty to the Government. Stamp duty is 0.5% of the value of the investments you buy (1% on Irish stocks) and you won’t pay any Stamp Duty on AIM stocks or Exchange Traded Funds.

Fund Manager charges

Fund Managers will charge various fees such as an ongoing charge or transaction fees, and details of these can be found within the Key Investor Information Document for each fund.

PTM Levy

Any trade over £10,000 will also be liable for a levy of £1.50 which is paid to the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers (PTM).

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